3 Mar 2022

Supporting Partners in Ukraine and Bordering Countries

Due to increasingly aggressive policy of Russia against Ukraine and surrounding countries we had to intensify our efforts to rescue our insured members in these areas.

As European-based company with its main office based in Spain, Malaga, AP Companies is strictly following all sanctions imposed by EU and US. We are working closely with our partners and clients -insurance companies these days to find best solution for the affected members to ensure continuity of medical care for them and their families and access to the medical services when they need them most. With our clients we expanded the territory of coverage for the members from Ukraine to coverage all over Europe. As a number of Ukrainian citizens have moved to Europe, we are ready to help and support more than ever to service those members during these difficult times.

We will keep providing continuous services to our clients and partners, you can contact us by the 24/7 helpline line: + 34 931 702 286. We kindly ask all our partners and medical providers all over the world for cooperation and support during these difficult times.

Our thoughts and prayers these days are with our colleagues in Odessa office in Ukraine and with all Ukrainian people. We're all deeply saddened by the current crisis and hope for a peaceful settlement of the conflict as soon as possible.

28 Feb 2022
AP Companies strategy to supports


centro de llamadas 24/7
+34 931 70 22 86