13 Jan 2020

AP maritime department, announces an expansion of its PEME existing clinic network in Europe, Turkey and Bangladesh.

Crew members located in Europe, Turkey and Bangladesh will now be able to access quality medical facilities within their own region. These clinics also include local screening facilities for crew, which will help remove the need for crew (and members) to bear additional expenses of travel and accommodation, which are often added to the recruitment and medical screening process. Crew will be able to contact AP Companies Global Solutions directly for medical appointments and screenings. All examination data, reporting and results will be overseen by AP Companies. AP Companies Global Solutions provides a professional “one call” service solution for members’ crew medicals to ensure effective control on costs and excellent communication and reporting services.

With a global network of more than 40 000 direct medical providers, AP Companies is one of the world’s leading medical assistance companies. AP has been providing access to crew and members of their families around the world for almost 10 years.

9 Dec 2019
AP Companies - about fraud medical cases in maritime industry.


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